Why should every patient be a player
in his or her own pathology?

For more than a decade, all those involved in healthcare (WHO, HAS, ARS…) have been agreeing that patients need to take responsibility for their own health. 

But this transformation has been slow in coming, because it is so complex. The technologies are now mature enough to enable the deployment of innovative services for patients and healthcare professionals, bringing all the benefits of a “patient-centric” approach:

1. Improved therapeutic compliance and self-care: (INS)

Patient-actors are more involved in their treatment, better understand what is at stake and are more inclined to follow prescriptions and recommendations.
They are able to identify warning signs and react appropriately, thus helping to prevent complications.

2. Better management
of symptoms and quality of life:

By taking ownership of their disease, patients can better
manage their symptoms and improve their day-to-day
well-being. They develop coping strategies and learn to
live with their disease, thereby reducing its negative impact
on their personal and social lives.

3. Increased autonomy and

Patient-actors take charge of their health and become responsible
for their own well-being. They develop lay expertise in their
condition and gain confidence in their ability to manage it.

4. Reduced feelings of
isolation and anxiety:

By getting involved in support groups or patient associations,
patients can share their experiences and receive support.
This breaks down isolation, reduces anxiety and makes it easier
to live with the disease.

5. More effective collaboration
with healthcare professionals:

Patient-actors are active partners in their care.
They can clearly express their needs and expectations,
fostering better communication and more
effective collaboration with healthcare professionals.

6. Contribution to research
and care improvement:

Patient-actors can participate in clinical trials or research
studies, thus contributing to the advancement of
knowledge about their pathology. They may also become
involved in the development of healthcare policies
and the defense of patients' rights.

In short, the patient-actor is a patient who is better informed, more involved and more autonomous in the management of his or her pathology. This translates into better compliance with treatment, better symptom management, improved quality of life and more effective collaboration with healthcare professionals.

More and more initiatives and programs are aimed at encouraging patients to take charge of their own health. This is a positive development that helps to improve the management of chronic diseases and to empower patients to take responsibility for their own health.

Scientific sources : 

The commitment of chronic disease patient associations: https://www.cairn.info/revue-politiques-de-communication-2017-2-page-37.htm
Understanding patient perceptions to optimize educational projects: https://ifpek.centredoc.org/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=80288
Therapeutic patient education: a patient-centered approach: https://www.utep-besancon.fr/content/uploads/2021/11/Education-therapeutique-approche-centree-sur-le-patient-Une-approche-philosophique-de-lETP-421.pdf
Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) – Therapeutic patient education: https://www.has-sante.fr/jcms/c_1241714/fr/education-therapeutique-du-patient-etp
Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé – Action plan to improve the quality of life of people with chronic diseases:  https://sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/plan2007_2011.pdf   
Association Française des Patients Experts: https://www.lespatientsexperts.fr